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An Online Resource Library on Domestic & Sexual Violence

Addressing Oppression and Violence within the Latino Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual & Transgender Communities

General Material
Training Tools
Published Date
July, 2013

This webinar focuses on the intersections of homophobia, heterosexism and racism that often enhance negative stereotypes associated with being Latino and LGBT. The presenter discusses the impact of language on our anti-oppression work as well as other elements that complicate the experiences of victimization of members of the Latino LGBT communities.

Jose Juan Lara, Director de Intercesor’a y Capacitaci—n del Proyecto de Intercesor’a de Texas (del inges Texas Advocacy Project.) Este seminario web se enfoca en la intersecci—n entre homofobia, heterosexismo y racismo, los cuales realzan estereotipos negativos asociados con ser Latino y LGBTQ. El presentador discute el impacto del lenguaje en nuestro trabajo contra la opresi—n, as’ como otros elementos que complican las experiencias de victimizaci—n de miembros de las comunidades latinas LGBT.