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An Online Resource Library on Domestic & Sexual Violence

Advancing Domestic Violence Prevention in California: CPEDV's Plan for Prevention Advocacy, Leadership and Capacity-building, 2009-2013

General Material
Published Date
March, 2010

What will it take to end the pervasive problem of domesticviolence in California? How can communities addressthe conditions that lead to abuse of power and control,and ensure that intimate partnerships in all families andcommunities are respectful, equitable and free from thetrauma of violence? Building on generations of effortsto ask these questions and act on our best answers, andwith the guidance of over 50 representatives from ourmember organizations and allied groups, the CaliforniaPartnership to End Domestic Violence (CPEDV ) developeda plan to guide our efforts to advance domestic violenceprevention in California from 2009-2013 (CPEDVÍs Prevention Plan, or the Plan). The Plan is intended for useby CPEDV's Board and Staff, member organizations andallied groups, as well as policy-makers, funders, and otherstakeholders in the prevention of domestic violence (DV ).