This plan was developed as a means of achieving the vision of a culture that supports healthy, respectful relationships through primary prevention efforts and zero tolerance of sexual violence in Arizona communities.
The plan has three goals:
-Increase respect for self and others through sexual violence prevention education for Arizona children, youth, and young adults
-Increase Arizonans' engagement in sexual violence prevention
-Increase Arizona's resources to support sexual violence prevention and education
The goals listed above will be accomplished through various strategies that include statewide media campaigns, identification of sustainable funding sources through mandatory fees of convicted sex offenders and prevention education for:
-Youth from kindergarten through 12th grade
-Young adults through age 24 with a targeted focus on those attending state universities and local community colleges) as well as young adults through age 24, both on and off college university campuses
-Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual., Transgender and Questioning Youth
-Faith-based organizations
-Staff employed at alcohol serving establishments