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An Online Resource Library on Domestic & Sexual Violence

Beyond Statistics: Intimate Partner Homicides 2005-2007, The High Price of Domestic Violence in New Hampshire

General Material

A publication of the New Hampshire Coalition Against Domestic and Sexual Violence and the Domestic Violence Fatality Review Committee of the Governor’s Commission on Domestic and Sexual Violence, this report provides information about the intimate partner related homicides that occurred between January 2005 and October 2007 in the state of New Hampshire. Information in this report was collected from media reports and reviewed by victim advocates at the New Hampshire Attorney General’s Office. This document attempts to shift the focus back to the homicide victims, acknowledging that these were real people, not statistics: “We recognize the pain that the loss of these victims has had on their family and friends. We hope by sharing their stories we can educate the public on this devastating problem that has claimed too many lives in New Hampshire.”