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An Online Resource Library on Domestic & Sexual Violence

Beyond Title IX: Guidelines for Preventing and Responding to Gender-based Violence in Higher Education

General Material
Training Tools
Published Date
January, 2012

Futures without Violence and the Avon Foundation brought together a National Campus Advisory board to provide guidance on the new guidelines set forth around Title IX in responding to sexual assaults on college campuses. This report, which comes from this gathering of experts, seeks to move the efforts of higher education institutions past complying with the guidelines to creating a culture of gender-based violence prevention and response.

Excerpt: While legal requirements shape how campuses address gender-based violence, this document goes beyond the legal requirements and points the way to systems, practices and policies for leadership in prevention and response. It addresses intimate partner violence, stalking and sexual misconduct, recognizing that institutions may choose to have separate or integrated policies regarding these offenses. Although many campus policies, as well as the Dear Colleague Letter, address only sexual misconduct explicitly, intimate personal violence and stalking also contribute to an environment hostile to women and are often interrelated.