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An Online Resource Library on Domestic & Sexual Violence

Breaking Barriers: Supporting Survivors of Sexual Assault from Immigrant Communities

General Material

This information packet from the California Coalition Against Sexual Assault discusses various issues related to sexual violence within immigrant communities. It offers general information on migration to the United States, some pertinent issues to the dynamics of sexual assault and immigration issues, various intervention strategies, and effective prevention strategies within immigrant and refugee communities. This packet offers updated legal information, which is crucial to appropriately responding to and meeting the needs of individuals who belong to immigrant and migrant communities. The prevention approaches discussed in the packet address community-wide applications, moving beyond education in schools to faith communities and even media outlets.

Excerpt: This document seeks to identify some of the critical issues affecting immigrant victims of sexual violence and to provide advocates with information, resources and tools to address them. Immigration law is complex and always changing; therefore, it is crucial that advocates develop partnerships with immigration experts and attorneys.