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An Online Resource Library on Domestic & Sexual Violence

Building community collaborations to serve victims of sexual violence in later life

General Material
Training Tools
Published Date
May, 2014

This 3-part podcast series supports the NSVRC's work to address sexual violence across the lifespan, addressing the importance of building community collaborations to serve victims of sexual violence in later life.

  • Part 1: Why collaboration? Karla Vierthaler discusses what she learned while developing a curriculum to cross-train elder protective service workers and rape crisis advocates in Pennsylvania around SVLL.
  • Part 2: Starting a task force Mary Beth Pulsifer discusses the creation and ongoing efforts of the New River Valley Elder Justice Task Force to support victims of SVLL in their community.
  • Part 3: Deepening the conversation Professionals from three agencies talk about how they came together to organize a community colloquium that focused on the sexual rights of older adults.