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An Online Resource Library on Domestic & Sexual Violence

Connecticut Department of Children and Families Domestic Violence Consultant Initiative: A State Child Welfare Agency Response to Domestic Violence

General Material
Published Date
March, 2008

The model is guided by the following concepts: 1) batterers' behavior needs to be clearly identified and documented in order to make good decisions regarding risk and safety, 2) safe and together with the nonoffending parent is ideal from the perspective of children exposed to batterers' behavior, and 3) that children have the potential for the best outcomes when the Department can actively partner with non-offending parents.

Using this model, consultants support child welfare-based social workers in developing plans that a) intervene with the domestic violence perpetrator, b) create the most effective partnership possible with the protective parent, c) meet the needs of the children in the home and d) are sensitive to the role of mental health issues, substance abuse and culture.

"During the period of February to December 2007, the removal rate by safety factor for domestic violence dropped from 5.9% to 4.4%, the lowest rate of all safety factors. This may be indicative of the Department's social workers' increased capacity to assess risk and safety, and developing plans that allow children to be safely maintained in home."