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An Online Resource Library on Domestic & Sexual Violence

Connecting the Dots: An Overview of the Links Among Multiple Forms of Violence

General Material
Published Date
July, 2014

Different types of violence are connected and often share the same root causes. They can all take place under one roof, in the same community or neighborhood, at the same time, or at different stages of life. Understanding the overlapping causes of violence and the things that can protect people and communities can help us better prevent violence in all its forms.

Connecting the Dots: An Overview of the Links Among Multiple Forms of Violence was co-developed by CDC’s Division of Violence Prevention and Prevention Institute. This brief shares research on connections between different forms of violence and describes how these connections affect communities. The purpose is to support those working to prevent violence in thinking strategically and creatively about:

  • Preventing all types of violence from occurring in the first place and
  • Coordinating and integrating responses to violence in a way that recognizes these connections and considers the individual in the context of their home environment, neighborhood, and larger community.