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An Online Resource Library on Domestic & Sexual Violence

Domestic & Sexual Violence Advocate Handbook on Human Trafficking, 2nd Edition

General Material

Contents include basic information and definitions, an overview of benefits available to victims of trafficking, relevant laws, tips and questions to consider when working with victims, a review of the role of domestic violence centers in responding to the issue, and additional resources and tips for advocacy. Although the booklet does include Florida-specific information, it contains information that can be utilized in many communities across the US.

  • Includes basic information and definitions, including the TVPA of 2000
  • Discusses the importance of Ôcertification' for victims/survivors of trafficking
  • Outlines some of the benefits available to victims/survivors, both for certified and non-certified individuals
  • Talks about available immigration relief
  • Provides considerations for service providers working with trafficking victims/survivors, including understanding the role of law enforcement
  • Offers guidance for advocates in 'Talking about Trafficking with Your Clients'
    • Including questions on: Safety Issues, Employment Issues, Social Networks, Origins, and Immigration Status
  • Includes section on coordinated community responses to human trafficking, suggesting whom in the community to involve
  • Ends with a service provider checklist
  • Also contains related resources and contact info, primarily in the state of Florida