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An Online Resource Library on Domestic & Sexual Violence

Domestic Violence Awareness: Action for Social Change - Part II: Organizing and Communications

NRCDV Publications
General Material
Published Date
August, 2009

Previously released in 2005, Action for Social Change Part I explored the topics of Violence Against Women & Social Change and Working Within Our Own Communities. At that time, the manual was intended to be dynamic and organic, as well as reflective of the diversity of perspective throughout the material as the source of its strength. The same holds true today with Action for Social Change Part II (2009). As evidenced by the diverse representation of the Domestic Violence Awareness Project Advisory Group members and the constituents each organization serves, both Parts I and II present 'a tremendous array and scope of experience, priorities, approaches, analyses and opinions, always from an advocacy-based perspective' (Introduction, Action for Social Change Part I, 2005).

This second installment of the Action for Social Change manual intends to generate critical thinking and enhance dialogue regarding community organizing and partnerships, communications and engaging the media. Included in this manual are very practical examples of local events that can be replicated and improved upon to meet the needs of your individual community.

The DVAP is coordinated by the National Resource Center on Domestic Violence in collaboration with the Project Advisory Group, a unique partnership of local, tribal, state and national domestic violence organizations and networks. The DVAP strives to develop and distribute resources and ideas relevant to your ongoing public and prevention education efforts in preparation for Domestic Violence Awareness Month (DVAM), observed in October, and throughout the year. For more information about the Domestic Violence Awareness Project, please contact the National Resource Center on Domestic Violence by telephone at (800) 537-2238.