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An Online Resource Library on Domestic & Sexual Violence

Domestic Violence Fatalities in Pennsylvania - 2015

General Material

Each year, PCADV tracks and reports on domestic violence-related fatalities in Pennsylvania. "Fatalities" includes both victims killed by the perpetrators and perpetrators who committed suicide or were killed by law enforcement. "Victims" includes all the innocent victims: the intended victims as well as bystanders, children and other family members, and law enforcement officers killed by the perpetrator.

In 2015, the number of victims included 68 women and 45 men. The youngest victim killed was 18 and the oldest was 95. Perpetrators used firearms to kill more than half of the victims.

The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, unlike some states, has no central database or separate reporting requirements for domestic violence homicides. PCADV compiles its annual list based on news accounts, police reports and information received from our 60 community-based programs serving all 67 counties.