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An Online Resource Library on Domestic & Sexual Violence

Domestic Violence Fatality Review Committee Ninth Annual Report

General Material
Published Date
October, 2012

“The Domestic Violence Fatality Review Committee (DVFRC, “Committee”) was created by Executive Order of Governor Jeanne Shaheen in July 1999. Since its inception, the DVFRC has generated recommendations for the state’s three branches of government and the many individuals, agencies, and community organizations which work with domestic violence victims and offenders. These recommendations have generated policies, procedures, and practices to improve New Hampshire's multidisciplinary response to domestic violence.

The DVFRC produces annual reports that include statistical data, recommendations, and responses to the recommendations previously made by the Committee. This year the DVFRC is pleased to release a report which presents 10 years of data on domestic violence-related homicides in New Hampshire from 2001 to 2010. The goal in presenting the data in this way is to improve the understanding of the context of these homicides and to promote the optimal allocation of resources to help prevent future homicides.

Also included in this report are crisis center data from the New Hampshire Coalition Against Domestic and Sexual Violence and court system data from the New Hampshire Judicial Branch. These represent two additional, individual sets of data separate from the homicide data, and are each based on a one-year period for 2011. However, all data sets present important and related information about domestic violence in the state.

The DVFRC strives to promote greater awareness of domestic violence in New Hampshire and opportunities for building safer communities for all our citizens. The Committee is hopeful that this report may serve as a valuable resource to those who serve victims of domestic violence, decision-makers, and researchers.”