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An Online Resource Library on Domestic & Sexual Violence

Early Childhood, Domestic Violence, and Poverty: Helping Young Children and Their Families

General Material
Published Date
January, 2004

This paper contains practical guidelines and policy recommendations for pediatric health settings, early childhood programs, family support providers, police, and domestic violence agencies.

"The six papers in this series address a widespread but hidden challenge: how to mobilize community and programmatic resources to provide responsive help to young children and families affected by both domestic violence and poverty. The papers are designed to offer practical guidance to community-based agencies that encounter and help these families. They recognize that, compounding the stresses and lack of options that poverty imposes, domestic violence adds yet another burden for families... By effectively mobilizing the resources of community agencies, concerned neighbors, and kin, and by building on the strengths and carefully crafted survival strategies of battered women, this intervention network can promote children's healthy development and literally save lives."