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An Online Resource Library on Domestic & Sexual Violence

Evaluation of the Rural Domestic Violence and Child Victimization Grant Program Special Initiative: Faith-Based and Community Organization Pilot Program - Rural Pilot Program

General Material

The evaluation is organized into six chapters:

  • Chapter I contains a literature review with which we attempt to place this OVW initiative within the context of other Federal faith-based and community initiatives (FBCIs) to further our understanding of this program, how it was unique, and how it was typical of a developing model for the delivery of federally funded FBCI services. The lead author of this chapter was Dr. Rob Fischer.
  • Chapter II describes the methodology employed in analyzing and evaluating this program.
  • Chapter III consists of a process evaluation, describing the initiative both historically and operationally. It also includes a brief comparison of the Rural Pilot Program with a co-existing OVW rural discretionary program. The lead author of this chapter was Dr. Andrew Klein. The case studies referred to in this chapter and described in Appendix P were completed by Debby Tucker, M.P.A., and Christina Walsh, National Center on Domestic and Sexual Violence.
  • Chapter IV addresses the delivery of technical assistance and training by the intermediaries as well as capacity outcomes, whether or not the initiative achieved its goal of creating sustained domestic violence programming in the rural jurisdictions that received funding. The lead author of this chapter was Dr. Mitchell Brown.
  • Chapter V details the role that faith played in this initiative and in the delivery of domestic violence services. The lead author of this chapter was Dr. Mark Small.
  • Chapter VI describes our conclusions, including what we believe are the implications of this evaluation for both domestic violence programming in rural America and the general role of faith-based and community organization initiatives in the delivery of human services.