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An Online Resource Library on Domestic & Sexual Violence

Examining the Work of Local Domestic Violence Programs within a "Social and Emotional Well-Being Promotion" Conceptual Framework

General Material
NRCDV Publications
Published Date
October, 2012

This paper examines the work of domestic violence programs within a "social and emotional well-being" framework. It first elucidates how domestic violence negatively impacts survivors' and their children's well- being, and which factors have been shown to restore this well-being over time. It then describes the Theory of Change that is at the foundation of domestic violence programs' work, and details how domestic violence programs creatively engage with survivors and their children to influence the factors known to promote their well-being. It concludes with a review of the empirical evidence examining the extent to which domestic violence programs have been effective in achieving their desired outcomes.

See more at The DV Evidence Project.