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An Online Resource Library on Domestic & Sexual Violence

Exploring Youth Activism in our Movement: Experiences and Lessons from Youth Leaders

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Training Tools
Published Date
February, 2016

On this 30 minute podcast Nalleli Castro Montoya, Latin@ Peer Youth Educator from Casa de Esperanza and Lumarie Orozco, National Trainer for the National Latino Network, talk about Casa de Esperanza’s peer education strategies to engage Latin@ youth in the efforts to eradicate dating violence.

Young people have an important role in the prevention and intervention of dating violence according to Lumarie. They are growing up in a bicultural world that lends to confusion, they have to navigate between their parents values and culture and the pressure of their peers and society to assimilate to mainstream culture. In some cases this can lead to misunderstandings between Latin@ parents and children when addressing issues regarding healthy relationships, teen dating violence and sexual assault.

This show focuses on providing ways to effectively engage Latin@ youth in responding to teen dating violence that includes prevention and intervention strategies from a culturally specific perspective.