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An Online Resource Library on Domestic & Sexual Violence

Forgotten and Left Behind: Shifting Narratives and Exploring Policy Solutions for Vulnerable Youth and Young Adults

General Material
Published Date
December, 2017

Forgotten and Left Behind: Shifting Narratives and Exploring Policy Solutions for Vulnerable Youth and Young Adults provides key insights and next steps from CLASP’s 2017 convening, which discussed the need for a multi-generational, multi-racial, youth-centered dialogue around policy change. Participants recognized that young people should drive the agenda for a stronger, healthier, more just, and more equitable future.

CLASP took away five lessons on how policy stakeholders and advocates can better engage young leaders moving forward, which authors explore in this publication:

  1. Engage with young adult leaders through actions, not just words.
  2. During the convening and follow up, young adult leaders expressed strong interest in at least four areas: civic engagement and political power, economic security and mobility, health and healing (including behavioral health and trauma), and justice reform. 
  3. Youth and young adults want policy partners to play a strong role in demystifying public systems, identifying levers that could lead to major change, and understanding how systems can impact young people and their communities.
  4. Data are very helpful for the conversation.
  5. Reaching across boundaries between communities to build alliances, and potentially bring in new stakeholders, is valuable but not easy.