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An Online Resource Library on Domestic & Sexual Violence

Georgia Domestic Violence Fatality Review Project 2016: 13th Annual Report

General Material
Published Date
March, 2017

This report takes a closer look at a key finding included in previous reports by the Georgia Domestic Violence Fatality Review Project, the suicide-homicide connection. Perpetrators attempted or completed suicide in 38% of cases reviewed by the Project and 37% of perpetrators had threatened or attempted suicide in incidents that occurred prior to the homicide. The high number of reviewed cases involving suicide mirrors statewide data, as murder-suicides account for approximately 30% of domestic violence-related incidents tracked annually by the Project.

The Report highlights trends identified in reviewed cases that ended in murder-suicide versus cases ending in homicide, and focuses on criminal and civil interventions as well as interventions by advocates, family members, friends, and the faith community. Relationship dynamics and tactics of abuse which are unique to murder-suicide cases are explored throughout the Report.