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An Online Resource Library on Domestic & Sexual Violence

A Guide for Legal Advocates Providing Services to Victims of Human Trafficking

General Material
Published Date
November, 2004

This legal guide contains information in chapter format ranging from 'An Overview of Human Trafficking,' 'T Nonimmigrant Visas,' 'Continued Presence,' 'Benefits for Victims,' 'Special Immigrant Juvenile Status for Children,' and resources for advocates.

11 chapters devoted to legal aspects for victims of human trafficking including:

Chapter 1: An Overview of Human Trafficking, including appendices
Chapter 2: Assessing and Meeting the Needs of Victims of Human Trafficking, with appendices 'Confidential Screening Form' (prepared by Safe Horizon), 'Trafficking Referral Form' (prepared by the Coalition to Abolish Slavery and Trafficking), and additional information about child victims
Chapter 3: Introduction to Immigration Law
Chapter 4: T Nonimmigrant Visas, with related forms as appendices
Chapter 5: Continued Presence for Victims of Human Trafficking, including relevant appendices from CAST and the USDOJ
Chapter 6: Public benefits for victims of human trafficking, with 'samples'
Chapter 7: U Nonimmigrant Visas and Applications for Interim Relief, with FAQs, U Visa Certification Form and Instructions, Interim Relief sample forms, and more appendices
Chapter 8: Special Immigrant Juvenile Status for Children Under Juvenile Court Jurisdiction, includes appendices
Chapter 9: Other Potential Forms of Immigration Relief for Victims of Human Trafficking: Self-petitions under the Violence Against Women Act, Asylum, and Relief under the Convention against Torture
Chapter 10: Representing Immigrant Clients: Applying for BIA Agency Recognition and Staff Accredidation
Chapter 11: Resources for Advocates Serving Victims of Human Trafficking And other Forms of Abuse and Crime