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An Online Resource Library on Domestic & Sexual Violence

HarborCOV: One Community's Effort to Build Comprehensive Solutions to Domestic Violence

NRCDV Publications
General Material
Published Date
April, 2006

This paper describes how one local domestic violence program, located in Chelsea, MA, built an innovative organization that transformed services, improving options for women's safety and their families' well-being. The paper begins with an explanation of the process, principles, and approach used by HarborCOV to develop a comprehensive response to domestic violence.  Subsequent sections cover the scope of advocacy and services provided and the organizational structure put in place to support the work. The paper concludes with an exploration of the role HarborCOV plays in the community as a partner and leader to end violence and improve the health and development of the community. Appendices offer information about the community, an organizational profile, and a list of HarborCOV's services and external collaborations.