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An Online Resource Library on Domestic & Sexual Violence

Holding Space, Creating Safety: A Toolkit for Facilitating Conversations about Sexual and Intimate Partner Violence for Bisexual Peer Support Groups

General Material
NRCDV Publications
Training Tools
Published Date
March, 2021

The Holding Space, Creating Safety Toolkit is a supplement to Growing Bi+ Community, specifically addressing how sexual and intimate partner violence impacts bi+ communities and how facilitators can effectively address these issues if and when they arise in group settings.

The Toolkit first explores the prevalence of intimate partner violence (IPV) and sexual violence (SV) in bi+ communities and offers some explanation as to why the levels of violence are so high. Next, the Toolkit offers introductory information on IPV and SV and the myriad ways that trauma can impact survivors. Finally, the Toolkit explores different ways in which facilitators can hold space for bi+ survivors in peer support groups.