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An Online Resource Library on Domestic & Sexual Violence

Human Trafficking Service Provider Manual for Certified Domestic Violence Centers

General Material

The manual details considerations and recommendations for service provision, benefits available to victims of trafficking, legal issues, criminal prosecution of traffickers, working with the media, potential funding sources, and additional anti-trafficking resources.

  • Designed for Florida certified domestic violence and sexual assault centers that hope to enhance and provide services to victims of domestic violence and sexual violence who are also victims of severe forms of human trafficking
  • Makes connections and parallels between services for domestic violence and sexual violence victims and trafficking victims
  • Discusses human trafficking in the context of the US, including the TVPA law
  • Includes some special considerations for service providers and advocates, offers some guidance for service providers to better assess the needs of trafficking victims
  • Offers help in serving unaccompanied children who are victims of trafficking
  • Highlights some legal issues; including immigration and benefits available
  • Provides concerns and considerations for prosecutors who want to pursue cases against traffickers
  • Ends with some useful contact information and potential funding resources