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An Online Resource Library on Domestic & Sexual Violence

Identifying and Responding to Domestic Violence: Consensus Recommendations for Child and Adolescent Health

General Material
Published Date
August, 2004

These guidelines were designed to assist health care providers from the pediatric and family physician settings in addressing adult and childhood domestic violence victimization.These recommendations, including assessment, documentation, intervention and referrals, are the first of their kind to address how to assess children and youth for domestic violence, and specifically offers recommendations on assessing adults for victimization with children present.

Table of Contents:

Part One: Overview
Part Two: Dilemmas Faced by Providers
Part Three: Consensus Recommendations
Part Four: Preparing Your Child Health Practice
I. Position Statements of Medical and Health Professional Associations
II. Bibliography
III. Abstracts of Selected Studies on Provider and Patient Attitudes Toward Screening for IPV in the Child Health Setting
IV. Dilemmas When Assessing All Patients for Victimization
V. Indicators of Abuse
VI. Expanded Assessment for Victims of Domestic Violence
VII. Safety Plan and Instructions
VIII. Intimate Partner Violence Victimization Reporting Requirements: How It Affects Child Health Settings
IX. State Codes on Intimate Partner Violence Victimization Reporting Requirements for Health Care Providers
X. Legislation Regarding Child Witnesses to Domestic Violence
XI. Child Abuse Reporting Laws
XII. Resources for Providers and Patients
Training and Education Materials Catalog