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An Online Resource Library on Domestic & Sexual Violence

Immigration Relief for Victims of Abuse and Domestic Violence

General Material
Published Date
July, 2012

This Handbook outlines immigration remedies for non-citizen victims of domestic violence and sexual assault. It is intended to aid attorneys who typically practice family law and have experience working with domestic violence victims. The Handbook hopes to aid such practitioners in expanding their services to those victims who also need legal help with their immigration issues. This Handbook includes information about the U visa, T visa, VAWA self-petition, VAWA cancellation of removal, and prosecutorial discretion. It contains an analysis of the substantive materials on these subjects, including relevant statutes, regulations, agency memoranda, and secondary sources. This is combined with information provided by experts and practitioners with practice and policy experience in these areas. Such information includes advice provided in the form of interviews, as well as resources, such as articles, checklists, and sample documents.

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