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An Online Resource Library on Domestic & Sexual Violence

Improving Access to Public Benefits: Helping Eligible Individuals and Families Get the Income Supports they Need

General Material
Published Date
April, 2010

"The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) increased the funding and capacity for benefits across the board. These measures are meant to provide for America’s struggling families, but far too many miss out on the help they need, leaving billions of dollars in potential supports unused or unclaimed.

To address these issues and improve access to benefits, government agencies and nonprofit organizations have taken steps to create better tools that streamline the application process, develop outreach initiatives in collaboration with other institutions, and simplifying procedures and policies — showing promising results.

Expanding access to these benefits is helping families achieve greater economic security and creating more economic activity in the communities where they live.

This report assesses the problem and progress to date, as well as provides recommendations to improve the impact these programs can have."