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An Online Resource Library on Domestic & Sexual Violence

Intimate Partner Violence in the United States — 2010

General Material
Published Date
January, 2014

This resport describes the prevalence and context of intimate partner violence (IPV) victimization using data from the 2010 National Intimate Partner and Sexual Violence Survey (NISVS). Findings discuss IPV victimization, frequency, severity, patterns, need for services, and impacts to more fully convey this public health burden.

The report shows younger adults, racial/ethnic minorities, those with lower incomes, and those who have had recent food or housing insecurity experience higher rates of IPV. While many men experience IPV, women are disproportionately affected.

Primary prevention of IPV must begin at an early age before unhealthy relationship patterns are established and focus on those at greatest risk.

Specific findings include:

  • Black non-Hispanic women (43.7%) and multiracial non-Hispanic women (53.8%) had a significantly higher lifetime prevalence of rape, physical violence, or stalking by an intimate partner compared to other racial/ethnic minorities.
  • IPV victimization begins early with nearly 70% of female victims and nearly 54% of male victims having experienced IPV prior to age 25.