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An Online Resource Library on Domestic & Sexual Violence

Making the Peace: An Approach to Preventing Relationship Violence Among Youth

General Material
NRCDV Publications
Published Date
May, 2000

The paper describes a comprehensive curriculum, training and organizing program designed by staff of the Oakland Men's Project to prevent male-to-female family and dating violence among youth ages 14-19. This Making the Peace (MTP) curriculum, originally published in 1997, includes an organizers' manual, teachers' guide, 15 session curriculum and handout packages for educators, administrators and family violence community-based organziations on preventing family / relationship violence in an entire school district.

This paper was adapted from a report authored by Allan Creighton of the Oakland Men's Project/TODOS Institute. It is one of a series of papers prepared for the Technical Assistance Public Education (TAPE) Project of the NRC. To receive print copies of any materials listed in the Appendices at the end of the paper, contact the NRC at US phone 800-537-2238, TTY 800-553-2508.