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An Online Resource Library on Domestic & Sexual Violence

The Misuse of Police Powers in Officer-Involved Domestic Violence

General Material
Published Date
January, 2015

"It is necessary to know some of the basics of the police culture and police training in order to gain insight into the victim’s experience. Being 'culturally sensitive' helps to place in context some of the types of abuse only batterers within law enforcement inflict, how these abusers minimize and justify their behavior, and their sense of entitlement to exercise power and control over their victims."

Victims of police officers often report that advocates do not appreciate how different their situation is because their abuser is in law enforcement. Advocates and others can familiarize themselves with aspects of police-perpetrated abuse that place police victims in a category of their own through this document.

This document explores how the power and authority granted to officers to protect the public can lead to the abuse of their power. Recommendations are provided for advocates working with survivors whose batterers are in law enforcement.