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An Online Resource Library on Domestic & Sexual Violence

National Prevention Town Hall 2020 Closing Plenary: Integration of Anti-Racism Work, Intervention, and Prevention into One Mission

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NRCDV Publications
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Published Date
September, 2020

In September 2020, the National Resource Center on Domestic Violence held its first National Prevention Town Hall to connect storytellers, advocates, and activists as we pivot our intimate partner violence (IPV) prevention work in response to the racial inequities that COVID has laid bare, especially for Black individuals and communities across the country. Participants explored meaningful relationship building with communities across states, sectors, and social justice movements.

In the closing plenary of the town hall, panelists Chéree Thomas, Lisa Winchell-Caldwell, and Averett Robey offer wisdom on how the domestic violence field can integrate anti-racism work, intervention, and prevention into one mission.

Associated Files
Attachment Size
Powerpoint Presentation 827.14 KB
Public Chat 212.59 KB
Transcript (English) 195.32 KB