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An Online Resource Library on Domestic & Sexual Violence

National Survey of Youth Access to Dating Abuse Services

General Material
Published Date
January, 2012

“In the summer of 2012 the National Domestic Violence Hotline and Break the Cycle conducted a national survey of victim service providers. The survey was sent to over one thousand agencies and collected information on available dating abuse-related services for youth. This report looks at the 1,030 responding agencies from the United States, all of which vary in geography, size, scope of services, and amount and type of funding. Each agency offers some type of victim services, although for many this is not their primary or sole mission. Youth was defined between the ages of 12-24, and is further broken down into two categories as articulated in the findings.”

“The information collected through the survey illustrates important national trends in service provision to youth. Trends in availability and accessibility highlight gaps in service as well as strengths and unique needs of communities. There are many variables influencing the services delivered by each agency, but these broader conclusions can inform technical assistance priorities, help victim service agencies strategically expand, and suggest areas of further research about dating abuse services nationally.”