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An Online Resource Library on Domestic & Sexual Violence

Native American Women’s Health Education Resource Center Indigenous Women’s Dialogue Roundtable Report On The Accessibility of Plan B® As An Over The Counter (OTC) Within Indian Health Service

General Material
Published Date
February, 2012

What does it mean for a Native American woman to be denied information after a sexual assault that could prevent an unwanted pregnancy; to not be informed of, or offered, Emergency Contraception and at a later date be faced with the dilemma of a pregnancy from a rape? For thousands of Native American women this is reality. Although Plan B is legal as an “over the counter” (OTC) contraceptive for women age 17 years old and up, Native American women do not have consistent access to it from the Indian Health Service.
This report features the voices of Native American women from a diverse number of Tribes as they discuss their personal experiences with sexual assault and access to healthcare either as a victim or as a service provider.