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An Online Resource Library on Domestic & Sexual Violence

North Carolina Coalition Against Domestic Violence Comprehensive Homicide Report 2002-2010

General Material

Since January 1, 2002, NCCADV has collected information regarding domestic violence homicides in North Carolina. Information is gathered from public sources, primarily from media reports, and posted on NCCADV’s website. The intention is for this list to serve as a memorial to the victims and their families, and to provide a current representation of the tragic impact domestic violence has in North Carolina.

This comprehensive report examines trends in NCCADV domestic violence homicide data from 2002-2010. Trends in demographic factors such as age and sex are analyzed, as well as situational factors such as the day and location of the homicide, the weapon used, and alleged perpetrators’ previous criminal charges. At the time of publication, come criminal data were only available through 2009 and graphs have been labeled accordingly.