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An Online Resource Library on Domestic & Sexual Violence

Organizing College Campuses Against Dating Abuse

NRCDV Publications
General Material
Published Date
January, 1999

This document was developed "to provide information and assistance to staff in higher education and/or domestic violence programs who are interested in developing a comprehensive response to dating abuse as it affects students on college campuses".

Its first section provides an overview of Dating Violence including a definition, the social context, the dynamics of dating abuse and the consequences of institutional indifference. The second section focuses on how to organize against abuse on a campus including the creation of coordinating committees, development and implementation of services and interventions, and the necessary education and professional training. The third section highlights The University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign's Dating Abuse Project.

Appendices included: the Power and Control Wheel, References, Resource listings, a sampling of campus programs addressing dating abuse, and sample protocols. Print copies of Attachments are available from the NRC (Phone 800-537-2238 TTY 800553-2508) and include: "10 Things Men Can Do...", the "Dating Abuse Project Brochure", and sample advertisements and posters on dating abuse.