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An Online Resource Library on Domestic & Sexual Violence

Poised for Prevention: Advancing Promising Approaches to Primary Prevention of Intimate Partner Violence

General Material
Published Date
January, 2007

"This report was written by Prevention Institute as a summary of the preliminary conclusions from the national gathering. It integrates the convening outcomes, Prevention Institute and RWJF perspectives on the issue, themes from interviews conducted prior to the event with convening participants and a number of additional IPV experts, and a limited scan of the literature. The report includes a discussion of primary prevention of IPV, promising approaches to environmental/ norms change, an examination of IPV primary prevention within immigrant communities, recommended actions to building momentum for primary prevention of IPV, and immediate next steps. The conclusions presented in the report are preliminary. The report is designed as a catalyst and call to action, to give a sense of direction and raise some issues for consideration."

Contents Include:

  • What Is Primary Prevention?
  • The Role of Norms
  • Section 1: Promising Approaches to Changing Community Environments and Societal Norms
  • Section 2: Actions to Build Momentum for Primary Prevention of IPV
  • Section 3: A Closer Look: Advancing IPV Primary Prevention in Immigrant Communities
  • Specific Next Steps