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An Online Resource Library on Domestic & Sexual Violence

Prairie Women Prepared for Disaster: An Emergency Planning Guide for Women’s Community Organizations

General Material
Training Tools
Published Date
January, 2009

“Many emergency preparedness guides are complex, detailed and complexly written. Our aim is different: keep it short, simple and to the point, highlighting just the core tasks and providing planning tools for these. You can always build on a strong foundation. We also take a ‘whole organization’ approach, offering tips and resources for increasing the resilience of everyone‐‐certainly your staff but also others‐‐ who makes your group or organization what it is.

The Guide has four major sections. Taken as a whole, it will explain why planning ahead is so important for women’s organizations, move you through the vital preliminary planning steps, introduce you to tools and resources for writing your tailor‐made emergency plan through the entire disaster cycle.

It then moves you on to the all‐important issue of keeping an emergency plan alive through regular updating, practice, outreach to emergency managers, and networking for neighborhood preparedness. The Guide ends with a brief introduction to the global movement of women for social change to reduce avoidable harm. It may not be obvious yet, but emergency planning is part of this and by doing this work you are part of it, too.”