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An Online Resource Library on Domestic & Sexual Violence

Preventing Intimate Partner and Sexual Violence Against Women: Taking Action and Generating Evidence

General Material
Published Date
January, 2010

This document aims to provide sufficient information for policy-makers and planners to develop data-driven and evidence-based programmes for preventing intimate partner and sexual violence against women.

Chapter 1 outlines the nature, magnitude and consequences of intimate partner and sexual violence within the broader typology of violence.

Chapter 2 identifies the risk and protective factors for such violence and the importance of addressing both risk and protective factors in prevention efforts.

Chapter 3 summarizes the scientific evidence base for primary prevention strategies, and describes programmes of known effectiveness, those supported by emerging evidence and those that could potentially be effective but have yet to be sufficiently evaluated for their impact.

Chapter 4 presents a six-step framework for taking action, generating evidence and sharing results.
In the closing section, several future research priorities are outlined and a number of key conclusions drawn.