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An Online Resource Library on Domestic & Sexual Violence

Prioritizing Financial Security in the Movement to End IPV: A Roadmap

General Material
Published Date
July, 2021

Prioritizing Financial Security in the Movement to End IPV: A Roadmap was produced by FreeFrom, in collaboration with the newly established Community Investment for Families Department, (formerly known as the Los Angeles Housing and Community Investment Department), Office of Research and Economic Development at California State University, Long Beach, and Citi Community Development.

This report examines stories, challenges, and solutions from over 50 service providers working in the IPV movement and provides a roadmap for what integrating financial work into the movement to end IPV could look like.
Some key takeaways from the data: 

  • Staff working in the IPV movement are not able to support clients in building financial security as much as they would like, but given the opportunity, they have very clear ideas of what more they could do and a willingness to do it.
  • The key obstacles to prioritizing financial security at an organizational level revolve around a lack of flexible funding. 
  • The key obstacles to individual staff doing more financial work are a lack of training and financial education and the need for greater financial security themselves. They feel ill-equipped to teach what they have not experienced.
  • 1 in 2 staff members we spoke to identify as survivors. Prioritizing financial security in the movement requires meaningful investment in staff well-being.