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An Online Resource Library on Domestic & Sexual Violence

Reaching and Serving Teen Victims: A Practical Handbook

General Material
Training Tools
Published Date
September, 2005

This manual is a resource for victim advocates/service providers that discusses adolescent development, the unique impact of victimization on teens, and strategies for assessing local teen victimization, creating effective outreach activities, making service environments teen-friendly, and interacting with teens in helpful and productive ways. The guide also includes guidance on parent and family involvement and mandatory reporting.

"Reaching and Serving Teen Victims covers the following areas:

  • Chapters 1 and 2 present the rationale for focusing on teen victims and explore the common ground between victim services and youth development.
  • Chapters 3 and 4 cover the principles of adolescent development and the unique impact of victimization on adolescents, who are already facing numerous challenges as they transition from childhood to adulthood.
  • Chapter 5 presents tips on how to assess the nature and extent of teen victimization in your own community.
  • Chapters 6 through 8 discuss specific steps (from outreach to the service environment to specific interventions) that service providers can take to improve their success with teen victims.
  • Chapter 9 gives tips on legal issues and parental involvement.
  • Chapter 10 provides closing comments.
  • A final section highlights resources for more information."

Free hard copies of the handbook may be ordered from the National Crime Prevention Council.