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An Online Resource Library on Domestic & Sexual Violence

Reclaiming Our Voices: Health and Human Service Needs in New York State

General Material
Published Date
January, 2010

Both people who identify as LGBT and people who identify as American Indian, Alaska Native, and other Native people face high rates of stigma and violence, as well as other public health concerns. Smaller studies of LGBT American Indians have found high rates of victimization, child abuse and historical trauma.

Because of some key differences in LGBT and two‐spirit experiences, health and human services designed for the wider LGBT population may not serve two‐spirit needs: either because of outright experiences of racism or a failure to provide culturally sensitive services owing to lack of knowledge or experience with this population. Because some Native communities may hold homophobic and/or transphobic attitudes toward two‐spirit and LGBT people, they also do not provide all needed services for this population. This needs assessment is designed to help illuminate these gaps.