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An Online Resource Library on Domestic & Sexual Violence

Reducing Barriers to Support for Women Fleeing Violence: A Toolkit for Supporting Women with Varying Levels of Mental Wellness and Substance Use

Training Tools
General Material
Published Date
January, 2011

This manual is designed to assist transition housing providers and other service providers to provide effective services to women fleeing violence. It draws on the knowledge of women who have experienced violence and those who have supported them. Sections include: 1) An overview of the toolkit; 2) Background information on the relationship between violence against women, mental wellness, and substance abuse; 3) Core principles; 4) Discussion and examples of the application of the core principles; and 5) Appendices including additional information, resources, and tools.

See also:

  • Evaluation Key Findings Report: Findings and key recommendations from the external evaluation of the Reducing Barriers project conducted by Arbor Educational & Clinical Consulting Inc. are available detailing how to implementing the recommendations.
  • Report on Violence Against Women, Mental Health and Substance Use: BCSTH has also developed a report summarizing the review conducted for the Canadian Women’s Foundation to enhance grant making, analyze emerging trends, and understand the current philanthropic environment of services for women who have experienced violence and who have mental health and substance use concerns.