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An Online Resource Library on Domestic & Sexual Violence

Safety and Services: Women of color speak about their communities

General Material
Published Date
October, 2011

The project upon which this report is based invited African American women to express their views on services for victims and survivors of domestic violence. The project focused on developing and improving the delivery of culturally competent domestic violence services in underserved low-income communities of color, particularly African American communities.

”To this end, CFFPP held a series of listening sessions in four states (Minnesota, Missouri, Texas, and Wisconsin) to explore and document
domestic violence service priorities as identified by: 1) women of color who are victims/survivors of domestic violence, 2) advocates of color, and 3) a broad
range of community service providers. Each group was asked a similar series of questions about the kinds of services that are available to low-income women
of color, barriers that get in the way of women utilizing services, unmet and outstanding needs, the kinds of services that are available for men in the community, and perspectives on providing collaborative, community-based services in low-income communities of color (see Appendix A).”