• Adult Children Exposed to Domestic Violence
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An Online Resource Library on Domestic & Sexual Violence

Strategies to Recruit, Hire, and Sustain Diversity in the Workplace

General Material
Published Date
December, 2020

There is strong empirical confirmation that effectively recruiting, hiring, and retaining a diverse staff is positively correlated with increased organizational performance. Many studies and surveys show however, that recruiting, hiring, and retaining a diverse staff is a challenge that many organizations face. Strategies to Recruit, Hire, and Sustain Diversity in the Workplace responds to this by providing suggestions towards a more comprehensive recruitment strategy and an interview and selection process that addresses biases perpetuated through existing hiring practices. More importantly, Strategies to Recruit, Hire, and Sustain Diversity in the Workplace provides a primer to think about and redesign the existing structures that impede inclusion and equity in the workplace and to create the foundation needed to sustain diversity.