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An Online Resource Library on Domestic & Sexual Violence

Supporting Parenting of Children Residing in Domestic Violence Shelters

NRCDV Publications
General Material
Published Date
May, 2015

Each year, thousands of children accompany their mothers into domestic violence shelters after witnessing and experiencing abuse in their homes. In just one day in 2013, domestic violence programs across the country and US Territories served 66,581 victims. Of that number, 19,431 were children who found refuge in an emergency shelter or transitional housing program. Children are impacted by domestic violence at home in a variety of ways and are therefore particularly vulnerable upon entering shelter with their mothers. Recognizing that sensitive and complicated dynamics related to child discipline arise in domestic violence shelters, this Technical Assistance Guidance focuses on challenges regarding parenting and discipline of children who reside in these shelters, proposing a variety of recommendations regarding this topic. Resources for further education, training and staff development are included.