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An Online Resource Library on Domestic & Sexual Violence

Teen Dating Violence (TDV) Awareness and Prevention Curriculum Comparison

Training Tools
General Material
Published Date
April, 2010

There are many teen dating violence prevention programs and curricula available for use by local programs. As a part of their Sexual and Intimate Partner Violence Prevention Consortium, Ohio encourages local programs to use the principles of effective prevention in the selection of curriculum.  Rather than endorse a specific curriculum, consortium co-convener  Rebecca Cline, Prevention Director at the Ohio Domestic Violence Network, in collaboration with Empowerment Evaluators Sandra Ortega, Ph.D., and Amy Bush Stevens, MSW, MPH, created a “curriculum comparison” document for which they identified available curriculum as evidence based, promising practice, or other.  These categories are defined and each curriculum is described on a chart including how to locate the curriculum, learning objectives, intended audience/number of sessions, evidence of effectiveness, outcomes, strengths/barriers, and cost.

To recommend additional curriculum to be included in the comparison document, please send the title, source, and other elements contained in the matrix related to the curriculum to Rebecca Cline at