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An Online Resource Library on Domestic & Sexual Violence

There’s No Place Like Home: State Laws that Protect Housing Rights for Survivors of Domestic and Sexual Violence

General Material
Published Date
October, 2012

"In this 50 state review, we summarize the canon of state laws designed to counteract some of the common housing problems faced by victims of domestic violence. The review, indexed by state and type of provision, includes legislation covering sixteen types of housing protections including: prohibitions against housing discrimination against victims of abuse; provisions allowing a battered tenant to terminate a lease early to flee violence; and provisions that protect the confidentiality of domestic violence victims’ housing records; among others. The review also includes a summary of pending legislation proposed during the 2011-2012 legislative session, as well as a summary of relevant unsuccessful proposed state legislation. In addition to examining the laws in each state, the guide highlights particularly noteworthy statutes in each area of concern. This information will be useful for advocates and policymakers as they consider ways to provide greater housing stability for survivors in their states so that they must not choose between safety from violence and a roof over their heads and a home for their children."