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An Online Resource Library on Domestic & Sexual Violence

Toward Community Health and Justice: Themes and Summaries from the 2017 PreventConnect Web Conference Series

General Material
Published Date
January, 2018

Representing directions for the field of sexual and domestic violence prevention, this report summarizes the 2017 PreventConnect web conference series that focused on community-level prevention strategies, partnering with other sectors and movements, and how sexual and domestic violence relate to health equity and multiple forms of violence. It draws together high-level themes that unify the series as a whole, and provides key findings from each of the eight web conferences, allowing the ideas, examples, and resources from the web conferences to live on in written form.

Over the course of 8 web conferences, three overall themes emerged:

  1. Sexual and domestic violence prevention practitioners increasingly operationalize a health equity approach by addressing the root factors of violence and working together with communities to find solutions.
  2. Practitioners and advocates continue to improve elements of the sociocultural environment such as norms and social networks, and are expanding their efforts to improve the physical/built environment and economic opportunities.
  3. More and more practitioners and advocates are working to change community and organizational norms to make sexual and domestic violence community issues that demand community-wide action.