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An Online Resource Library on Domestic & Sexual Violence

VAWA Confidentiality and Protections for Immigrant Victims of Domestic Violence

General Material
Training Tools
Published Date
October, 2017

“As the numbers of immigrant family violence victims accessing justice increases, state court judges need to understand the federal statutory protections afforded by Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) confidentiality to immigrant crime victims that helps keep victims, families and court staff safe. This 60-minute webinar will provide attendees with up to date information on VAWA Confidentiality’s protections, purpose, Department of Homeland Security policies and legislative history. Webinar attendees will be better able to: rule on discovery motions in family, criminal and civil cases; identify litigants who are crime victims eligible for VAWA confidentiality protection; and address the unique challenges in delivering access to justice for immigrant adult and child family and sexual violence victims in crisis who appear in state court.”