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An Online Resource Library on Domestic & Sexual Violence

WCSAP Manager’s Viewpoint: Disaster Resilience: Emergency Planning and Recovery for Sexual Assault Programs

General Material
Published Date
January, 2011

Sexual assault services are vital, and it is important that they continue even in the face of an emergency. Indeed, an increased rate of sexual assault is an often unrecognized consequence of a disaster, as the repercussions of the earthquake in Haiti have demonstrated. The dilemma for most sexual assault program managers is that they are so busy managing the day-to-day activities of their programs that emergency planning is often on the back burner. The goal of this publication is to provide information and resources to make emergency preparedness and recovery planning more attainable.” (…)

This publication also includes some practical tools: a disaster recovery guide from TechSoup that will help you to safeguard data, a fact sheet on emergency planning for businesses, accreditation information related to this topic, and specific tips on disaster resilience for sexual assault programs.”