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An Online Resource Library on Domestic & Sexual Violence

WEBINAR: DELTA FOCUS Stories: Lessons Learned from 3 Community-Based Initiatives

General Material
NRCDV Publications
Training Tools
Published Date
September, 2019

The PreventIPV project of the National Resource Center on Domestic Violence is pleased to showcase the innovative work of 3 community-based prevention initiatives aimed at changing the environments and conditions in which people live, work and play through CDC’s DELTA FOCUS program. This webinar explores the first 3 stories in our 7-part Lessons Learned from DELTA FOCUS series: 1) engaging youth in intimate partner violence prevention, 2) engaging men and boys as intimate partner violence prevention allies, and 3) policy-based prevention approaches.

On this 90-minute webinar, preventionists and change-makers in Alaska, Rhode Island, and North Carolina share their successes, surprises, pivots, and points of learning along their journeys, offering strategies and tools for those who wish to engage in this work or adapt similar projects for their own communities.

Associated Files
Attachment Size
Webinar Announcement 471.97 KB
Webinar Slides 4.83 MB
Public Chat 276.14 KB
Closed Captions 143.36 KB
Webinar Slides with Closed Captions 11.02 MB